Symposium to honor the memory of Jean-Pierre Guignard

Symposium to honor the memory of
Jean-Pierre Guignard

June 21, 2024, Lausanne Switzerland


Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois CHUV

Rue du Bugnon 46,1005 Lausanne, Switzerland

All information on the Symposium website

During his career Jean-Pierre Guignard has been distinguished by the University of Lausanne (Prix de Cérenville 1970; Laureate of the University 1970), by the Swiss Pediatric Society (Prix Guido Fanconi 1983), by the ESPN (2005) and by the International Society of Pediatric Nephrology (IPNA) who awarded him in 2017 the prestigious Ira Greifer Prize in recognition of his major contribution to the field of renal developmental physiology and his incredible ability to bring people together and make them grow.
Jean-Pierre Guignard was born in a small village at the foot of the Jura. He received a classical Latin-Greek education in Lausanne and achieved there his medical degree. Towards the end of his studies, he passionately followed the courses of Professor Georges Peters recently appointed head of pharmacology, with whom he completed his thesis. He continued his training in London (London Hospital Medical College and St. Thomas Hospital), Vancouver (University of British Columbia), Montreal (Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University) and Mexico City (Hospital Pediatrico del Seguro Social). Returning to Switzerland in 1972, he set up a very dynamic pediatric nephrology unit and clinical and experimental research center. He opened a pediatric hemodialysis unit in 1974, a kidney transplant unit in 1975 and a chronic peritoneal dialysis unit in 1978. With the support of the SNF, he created a laboratory for basic and clinical research, and developed a model on the baby rabbit to study and better understand the renal physiology of premature infants. His clinical and research activities have led him to publish more than 550 articles and book chapters from 1966 to 2016. He founded the European Society for Developmental Pharmacology in 1988 and the International Symposium on Perinatal Nephrology in 1998.
Driven since his university years by a social ideal, he was involved through the Centrale Sanitaire Suisse in Vietnam during and after the war, in developing countries (Algeria, Vietnam, Mexico, and particularly Cuba) by providing direct medical aid, medical equipment and medicines and participating in numerous teaching missions in these countries. He also organised several IPOKRATES seminars for young doctors which contributed to the influence of the IPOKRATES Teaching Foundation in Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Vietnam,Mexico, China, India and Slovakia.